Call Center
Minimal connection waiting time
A waiting queue serves to minimize client connection waiting time. A list of people waiting to be connected is demonstrated at any time. This allows a quick reaction and e.g. an increase in the number of consultants. A client’s waiting time is recorded together with other details of the call, which helps calculating statistics of service quality.
Important clients priority
A modern waiting queue serves as well to answer calls from important clients as a priority. The client is identified by the phone number. It is also possible to direct calls from VIP clients to particular consultants.
Promotional campaigns
Integration with CRM system allows easy organization of promotional campaigns. A consultant receives a list of clients, whom he calls according to a settled order. Dialing phone numbers is automatic. After the call a consultant updates the status of a relation with a client and the system is planning on the next contact.
Order processing
After choosing a client’s page a consultant is able to see the list of connections with the particular client. In case when your warehouse is integrated with the Refwell system one can display an order list, the status of their processing, add a new order and check on the stock.

A laptop is enough
Organizing your telephone center is quick and economical. It is enough to have a good Internet link, a laptop with a free Google Chrome browser, to which you should attach a pair of headphones with a microphone and a consultant’s workplace is ready. You don’t need an additional traditional or VoIP telephone. A consultant may as well work from home.
Better customer service
After a telephone conversation with a consultant, a client may be offered an automatic customer service quality survey. We also offer text message surveys. Next, survey reports will allow you to create a bonus system for call center employees in an easy way.
IVR configuration
Outside of working hours of telephone center, Refwell Call Center will play a message informing on service hours. It is also possible to record client’s request, which will be ready to play the following working day. Similarly to other call center solutions, telephone menu configuration, grouping queues according to the topic of a conversation, client authorization through PIN is available.